Blogging Boomers Carnival #119
June 15, 2009
It's my great pleasure to host the Blogging Boomers blog carnival this week. Blogging Boomers is a collection of approximately a dozen participating blogs with authors who focus on the interests and issues of baby boomers. I like to think that, as always, there's something there for everyone, so, apart from asking you to please take one minute to complete my 'What worries you most about retirement?' survey at, the only thing for me to do is to leave you to get on with it... Enjoy!
First off, Barbara Weibel at Hole In The Donut recently traveled to Hendersonville, North Carolina, where she discovered the "apple" connection in this lovely town that nestles at the foot of the Smoky Mountains.
If you've watched your retirement savings lose up to 40% of its value, you and other boomers could be challenged not to respond out of angst. That is why SoBabyBoomer tells how the field of behavioral finance can help explain the set of psychological biases that negatively affect boomers' investment decisions.
These days it's easy to go searching online for some instant intimacy (instimacy), but the Midlife Crisis Queen cautions you to be careful with what you find!
Crisp white fashions may be popping up everywhere, but it’s terrifying to wear them when your legs are still winter lily white. What’s the best way to get that naturally suntanned fashion look? Check out Fabulous after 40 for a lesson in how to use self-tanners.
LifeTwo writes "Boomers To This Year's Grads: We Are Really, Really Sorry". There is a massive guilt trip going on.
Regrets? Got any? Tell us over at The Boomer Chronicles.
Do we need A new solution to our energy needs? Turn on those lights - your grass is lighting your home! Read more at
Andrea Stenberg at the Baby Boomer Entrepreneur writes: "if you’re a solopreneur or micobusiness, I’d like to suggest that you can’t afford not to connect, network and work with your competitors." Find out why with Why You Should Partner With You Competitors
Summer is almost here and Janet Wendy at Gen Plus thinks back to family trips along Canada's Eastern coasts. From lobster traps to phentex, it is a snippet of a 1970's trip down a Canadian memory lane.
Some women find menopause frustrating, but Dina over at discovered brain fog can be an entrepreneurial goldmine.
And, finally, here's a little retirement thought provoker for you, from me. Thanks for dropping by!