How to write an ebook

How to write an ebook cover They say we all have a book in us, don't they?  If you'd like to get your own book out of you, you might like to consider making it an ebook. 

I don't know about you, but I'm a bit of a free spirit - I don't like other people dictating how and when I do things, so for me, going down the ebook route (rather than the conventional publishing route) was a no-brainer.  After 10 years of self-employment, I really don't want to be dealing with any publisher-driven deadlines or re-writes!

Maybe, as a retiree, you can identify with that position?  Maybe you, too, have had enough of jumping through someone else's hoops and you just want to write your book in your own time and your own way...

If that sounds like you, check out our special report - How to Write an Ebook - written for the 100 Retirement Business Ideas website clientele, and costing just $5.  (That's currently about £3.05 if, like me, you're avoiding publishers in the UK. :)) 

How to Write an Ebook is an immediately downloadable,'no fluff, no filler' report that'll walk you through the process of writing an ebook from start to finish.  Here's the link: How to Write an Ebook.

Free books from Google

Books_logo If, like me, you've always got your nose in a book, you're going to love the fact that you can now download over a million Public Domain books from Google Books.  Just go to, find a book you want to read and click on the Download button in the toolbar.

Over one million books...  Even I'd struggle to read that many! 

Prepare to have your thoughts about your retirement completely provoked!

Thought Provokers(edited) Well, the launch of my new book may have been delayed slightly following my latest house move, but today I'm pleased, proud and happy to announce that Thought Provokers: Questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE you retire is now available for immediate download from the Contemporary Retirement website.

Thought Provokers contains over 500 questions which are designed to help you get the happiest, healthiest, most vital, productive, energetic, prosperous and fulfilling retirement you could possibly have. The book is filled with questions that will help you to:

  • Envisage, design and plan how you want your ideal retirement to look and feel
  • Balance having the kind of retirement that you want and need to have with planning to meet your future needs
  • Think about the logistics of how you will live your life in this next phase
  • Challenge some of the assumptions you may have already made about your retirement
  • Discover what you still want to be, do and have in life
  • Think about the choices you make – both now and in the future
  • Reach a better understanding of yourself and how you want your life to be in retirement
  • Get more of what you want in life and less of what you don't want
  • Determine the steps you need to take NOW to make your life (and the aging process) smoother and easier in the future
  • Sidestep the potential challenges and pitfalls that retirement can bring
  • Determine what your definition of happiness is at this stage of your life and show you how to build more opportunities for happiness into your everyday life
  • Ascertain whether your vision of your ideal retirement and your definition of
    happiness at this stage of your life match those of your partner
  • Develop a shared vision of retirement with your spouse or partner (or, if you don’t have a spouse or partner, take the steps that will alleviate your worries about feeling lonely and isolated in retirement)
  • Explore how you feel about your other relationships (for example, those with your friends, children, grandchildren and elderly parents) and the expectations those people hold about your retirement

    and, most importantly, help you to Get the retirement you deserve!

Here's what one reader of Thought Provokers had to say about it:

What an excellent book and what an appropriate title - my thoughts have never been so provoked! My retirement thoughts had previously consisted of whether I would have enough money (although I had not defined 'enough', of course) - accompanied by vague images of living by water, having a dog and doing lots of walking. Oh boy, do I need to do some more thinking!

Thank you, Ann for such a brilliant guide to all the things I really need to consider. Reading it has opened up all sorts of possibilities. It will take me a while to answer all the questions, but once I do, I know I will have a much happier and fulfilled retirement than I had thought possible. I am making a long 'bucket' list...

Liz Miller

For more information about Thought Provokers and to purchase your copy, visit the Contemporary Retirement website today!