Through my work as a retirement coach and trainer, I've discovered that no two people approach retirement in quite the same way - some adopt a positive, forward-thinking attitude and others are filled with uncertainty, trepidation, even dread, at the prospect of giving up work.
Whatever their perspective, retirement is one of the most significant changes that your employees will go through during the course of their lifetime. Unfortunately, most people spend more time planning their annual two-week holiday than they do planning the non-financial aspects of their retirement. Consequently, many retired people report that they ‘wasted’ the first 18 months to 2 years of their retirement – ironically, the time when they were at their youngest.
However, there is a way that you can help all your retiring employees to make a smoother transition into retirement, and that is by offering them access to expert advice on how to make the most of their retirement.
Larger organisations have long recognised the benefits of offering pre-retirement courses to their staff. Now, for a modest investment, you, as the owner of a smaller business, can help your retiring employees to remain stress-free, effective and productive during the remainder of their employment with your organisation, whilst, at the same time, sending a clear message to all your staff (not just the ones who are retiring) that:
• you care about them
• you appreciate the service they have given you and that
• you intend to offer them your continued support during this, potentially, difficult period of transition.
It's generally recommended that employees attend a pre-retirement course no later than 2 or 3 years before their actual retirement date, so that they can have the time to make the necessary emotional, mental and physical adjustments and, thereby, can avoid the ‘short, sharp shock’ of retirement. However, if your employees are closer to retirement, there is still much that we can do to prepare them for this life-changing event.
It's also recommended that employing organisations allow the partners of retirees to accompany them on pre-retirement courses, because many of the challenges facing this group of people stem from the differing expectations that the individuals in a relationship hold about their post-work life together. (Many pre-retirees are happy to pay the additional costs involved in having their partner attend a course alongside them.)
There are several ways in which your employees can participate in retirement preparation with Contemporary Retirement Coaching:
'Open House' Pre-Retirement Courses
I recognise that few smaller organisations have sufficient employees retiring together to justify an in-house pre-retirement course. I would, therefore, like to invite your employees to join one of our 'Get the Retirement You Deserve' courses. These are available to both individuals and couples as a monthly, two-day event in Central Manchester. Please visits our 'Courses' page for full information and a list of course dates.
In-house Courses
If you are a larger organisation with four or more employees or members who are due to retire within the next two years, it can often prove more cost-effective to hire me to deliver an in-house pre-retirement course on your behalf. If you would like me to design an in-house course specifically for the employees of your organisation, please contact me, Ann Harrison, directly at [email protected] to discuss your requirements.
Too Young To Retire Courses
Too Young To Retire courses are primarily aimed at people who are coming up to retirement age, who don’t feel ready to retire yet and who want to explore the options available to them in the next phase of their lives. However, the course is also suitable for people who are in their 50's and early 60's and who have been/are being made redundant or are considering the prospect of voluntary redundancy.
A significant amount of course time is given to exploring the options for re-employment for people in this age group and, because of the relative scarcity of job opportunities available to them, to exploring the possibilities for self-employment and starting a business.
Too Young To Retire courses are generally held in central Manchester, however, if you would like me to design an in-house course specifically for the employees of your organisation, please contact me, Ann Harrison, directly at [email protected] to discuss your requirements.
Coaching Packages for retiring executives and senior members of staff
I offer several retirement coaching packages which may be of interest to your retiring executives and senior members of staff. These are based upon The Retirement Success Profile (or RSP) - a unique, personalised, scientifically-designed retirement life-planning tool for people who are either planning their retirement or who are already retired. The RSP is administered online and it:
• measures retirement expectations and preparedness for retirement
• determines personal retirement strengths and
• identifies potential problems, so that the subject can then focus their attention and energies in time to make a difference to their retirement success.
Please contact me, Ann Harrison, directly at [email protected] to discuss your requirements.
One-to-one coaching
Of course, one-to-one or, in the case of couples, two-to-one coaching is always available. Occasionally, people may need help within days or weeks of their retirement, and I can usually respond to requests fairly urgently. Again, contact me at [email protected] to discuss your requirements.