Welcome to The Retirement Detox ProgrammeTM - the coaching programme that's helping disillusioned retirees to get their retirement back on track…
Congratulations - you've just taken the first step towards getting the retirement you deserve!
Retirement can come as a massive shock to the system for a lot of people. Working closely with somebody like you is just as important as seeking advice from a well qualified IFA to sort out the money side of things.
Martin Bamford, Independent Financial Advisor, UK
Do any of these sound like you?
• You retired recently
• You took some much-needed time off to relax but find that you're getting bored now
• You had ambitious plans for your retirement that haven't come to fruition and your lack of progress is getting you down
• You've already achieved all the goals you set for your retirement and are left feeling 'what next?'
• You've been over-run by everyday, mundane activities that leave precious little time for what you really want to do
• Something came along that just blew your retirement plans right out of the water - a divorce or serious health problem, for example
• It’s starting to feel like your purpose in life retired when you did and that you're floundering around in your retirement
• Golf (or gardening, or bridge...) and time spent with the family isn't enough for you and you want and need to do more • When you envisage the remainder of your retirement years, you see only more of the same... and you want something different. Something better.
• You still have things that you'd like to accomplish. You still want to travel. Explore. Experience.
• Your relationship has suffered since you retired and you’re not sure how to get it back on track
• Your partner’s idea of their ideal retirement and your own idea of your ideal retirement differ and you can’t seem to find a compromise
• You’d love to be able to start your retirement over again
Well, if any of the above DOES sound like you, I have some great news –
my ebook, The Retirement Detox Programme is the solution to your problems...
More and more people are hiring a retirement coach or booking onto a pre-retirement course to help them plan the non-financial side of their retirement BEFORE they retire…
But what happens when you’re already retired and things haven’t turned out in the way that you hoped they would?
After all, a pre-retirement planning course is hardly appropriate now because you’re already retired, and anyway, you probably wouldn’t want to sit alongside all those bright, shiny, new pre-retirees who haven’t had time yet to experience the potential challenges and pitfalls that retirement can bring…
Wouldn't it be better if there was a course that you could work through at your own pace, in the privacy and comfort of your own home?
A course that would give you the information, techniques, resources and support that you would receive if you were working with a professional Retirement Coach?
Well, now there is!
The Retirement Detox Programme™
A 40-day action plan to help you rescue your retirement from the doldrums and turn it into the retirement you deserve!
written by retirement coach and pre-retirement trainer,
Ann Harrison
Ann Harrison’s book is highly recommended, not just for those who are struggling with retirement, but for anybody approaching middle age. Read it now and give yourself a thoroughly great MOT in readiness for spending more time with your own happy self when you retire.
The book takes you through the crucial areas of your life, helping you check where you are and what you’re doing now, then helping to identify and design improvements for greater happiness and fulfilment. The Action Points at the end of each chapter prompt deeper thinking, and lead to instant progress in all areas.
Ann’s expertise as a Life Coach shines through every page, and she helps you tease out any murky, neglected or underdeveloped areas of your life – your feelings, your psychological health, your relationships, and your dreams.
Nothing is left out – you are taken by the hand through forty days of focused thinking, covering every element of your life: your health, relationships, roles, possessions, dreams, tolerations, spirituality… absolutely everything has its place in the relaunch of the refurbished YOU.
This is a brilliantly inspiring book that will pep you up and lead you to find the confident, balanced, ordered, joyous and peaceful life that you’ve always wanted.
Margaret Sheridan-Wallis
So, who is Ann Harrison?
Ann is the owner of the Contemporary Retirement Company. She is a Retirement OptionsTM coach, a pre-retirement trainer and the UK’s first 2young2retireTM certified facilitator. Ann originally trained as a life coach with CoachU and the Graduate School of Coaching and before that, she spent many years in further education as a lecturer and manager.
Ann developed The Retirement Detox Programme in 2006 after growing concerned about the number of people (up to 20% of all retirees) for whom retirement was just one big disappointment. She’s passionate about helping people like you to get the happiest, healthiest, most vital, productive, energetic, prosperous and fulfilling retirement you could possibly have, whilst, at the same time, helping you to balance having the kind of retirement you want and deserve to have, with planning to meet your future needs.
So if you're feeling disappointed or disillusioned by your retirement, don't simply accept that this is the way things have to be – instead, take control and make positive steps and progress NOW towards having the retirement you always wanted to have with
The Retirement Detox Programme™
Ann says:
'When I took my first retirement from my job as a Curriculum Manager in a college, I couldn’t wait to have a break from work and thoroughly chill out. However, the longer I chilled out, the more problems I experienced. You know the ones I mean:
• the feelings of isolation
• the loss of interaction, camaraderie and support from your workmates
• coping with the reduced income
• the feeling of ‘redundancy’
• the feelings of guilt about doing nothing of any value
• the weight gain/loss of muscle tone
• the minor health ‘niggles’ and worries
• the knowledge that you are not focusing enough attention onto your health, wellbeing and illness prevention
• the feeling that you have more than this left in you – that you’re not ready to be put out to pasture just yetwhich all add up to
the knowledge that you haven’t got the vital, healthy, prosperous, productive and fulfilling life that you really wanted (and deserve) to have in retirement
Fortunately for me, before I left my job, I had already begun training as a life coach and I was able to get my butt into gear and set up my own coaching practice - building a business which has spun off into several unexpected sidelines – one of which lead to me training as a retirement coach with one of the best known retirement coach training schools and becoming a certified Retirement OptionsTM coach.
Through my training I learned that most of us spend more time planning our annual vacation than we do planning the non-financial aspects of our retirement, and that, consequently, many retired people report that they ‘wasted’ the first 18 months to 2 years of their retirement – ironically, the time when they were at their youngest and fittest.
Now I know that there are many retirement preparation courses available – after all I run some of them myself – but there seems to be no real support out there for those people who, like you, are maybe feeling a little disillusioned with retirement and are wondering ‘Is this all there is, then?’.
So, since there aren’t that many opportunities for already-retired people like you to attend a training course in order to ‘detoxify’ your retirement, I decided that I would write an eBook – The Retirement Detox Programme™ : 40 days to get your retirement back on track - that would help you to do just that,
at a fraction of the cost of hiring a retirement coach or attending a live seminar and all from the privacy and comfort of your own home!'
No matter how dissatisfied or disillusioned with retirement you currently are, this unique coaching program will give you the resources to be able to get your retirement back on track.
'I am blown away by this amazing Ebook, so much value for just £10!'
Dr Alison Grimston, GP, UK
The Retirement Detox Programme™ consists of:
a full retirement detox coaching programme presented as an eBook. Immediately downloadable in PDF format, the programme is presented in 40 lessons but how you use the book is up to you - you could read it all the way through and then start to implement the ideas it contains or you could read and implement one lesson at a time. Whatever you decide, I promise you that retirement can be one of the most positive, empowering times you will spend in your life!
You could spend up to 30 years in this stage of your life – don’t waste any more time before you get the retirement you deserve!
Before I started coaching with Ann, I used to think of retirement in terms of 'being put out to pasture' - a (hopefully) long rest at the end of a working life - nice if you want that kind of thing but not for me...
Now I think about retirement as a new beginning. Ann's 'so what would you really love to do with the rest of your life?' approach towards retirement has got me excited about my life in a way that I never have been before. It's not so much, 'What shall I do?' as 'When can I start?'. I have resurrected old dreams, forged new ones and actually started to follow them through (rather than just carrying them around in my head).
At the same time, Ann encourages me to keep an eye on the future and the fact that my needs are likely to change as I grow older - enabling me to strike what I consider to be a healthy balance between living for today and planning for tomorrow.
Carole Bradhew, Manchester, UK.
Through the Retirement Detox Programme™, I will show you to how to take life-changing, good-habit-forming actions that will help you to:
· take stock of your current situation by determining which areas of your life are working well for you and which aren’t
· determine what your definition of happiness is at this stage of your life and show you how to build more opportunities for happiness into your everyday life
· envisage, design and plan how you want your ideal retirement to look and feel
· determine whether your vision of your ideal retirement and your definition of happiness at this stage of your life match those of your partner
· develop a shared vision of retirement with your spouse or partner (or, if you don’t have a spouse or partner, take the steps that will alleviate your worries about feeling lonely and isolated in retirement)
· explore how you feel about your other relationships (for example, those with your friends, children, grandchildren and elderly parents) and the expectations those people hold about your retirement
· replace the feelings of satisfaction, importance, usefulness, companionship and productivity that you obtained from your work
'Very human, with warmth and a light touch'
Workshop Participant, York, UK.
The Retirement Detox Programme™ is private, convenient and very affordable!
Just £10
For just £10.00 (approximately $15 - about the price of a fairly decent bottle of wine), this content-rich ebook will deliver lessons and resources that will help you to:
• gain a sense of perspective about your retirement
• take back control of your retirement and
• go on to have a retirement life that you really, truly love
This is a risk-free purchase. If, by the end of the Retirement Detox Programme™, you have carried out the activities contained within the lessons and still don’t feel that you have benefited from the programme, you may contact me for a full refund.
Don't waste another day of your retirement!
The sooner you receive the Retirement Detox Programme™, the sooner you will start to feel better about yourself and your retirement and the sooner you can start to get the retirement you deserve
"Sounds like just what I need – how do I get my copy?"
Just click on the ‘Buy Now’ button and you will be taken to my ‘Ann Harrison Life Coaching’ shopping cart where you can, safely and securely, purchase the Retirement Detox Programme™ ebook via Paypal.
You will then receive a thank you email containing details of how to download your ebook. The eBook will be delivered in PDF format. To read it, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer. If you don't already have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer, you can download it here and install it on your computer, free of charge.